Date | Version | Features | Files Changed |
July 27January 2, 2016 | 1.9.5055 | 1. Added: Beaver Builder supportWistia popover videos. 2. Added: Formidable forms support. 3. Added: Option to display button only on some particular posts/pages. 4. Improved: More single Fixed: Google font weight for primary and secondary text. | 1. btnsx.php 2. includes/class.btnsx.php 3. assets/js/admin/views.js 4. assets/js/admin/views.min.js 5. assets/js/public/btnsx.js |
December 19, 2016 | 1.9.54 | 1. Fixed: Background hover image load delay. 2. Fixed: Custom CSS field. Now, "#btnsx-preview-btn" id should be used to add custom CSS. | 1. btnsx.php 2. includes/class.btnsx.php |
December 7, 2016 | 1.9.53 | 1. Added: Text align option for Primary Text. 2. Added: New link type option "URL Unescaped" so that encoded URL's can be used. 3. Fixed: Custom menu links not showing in preview when switching between WordPress menu and Custom menu links. 4. Fixed: Menu as dropdown option always visible. 5. Fixed: Background image load delay on button hover. 6. Fixed: Packs and Tags taxonomy. 7. Fixed: Iframe not working. | 1. btnsx.php 2. includes/class.btnsx.php 3. assets/js/admin/views.js 4. assets/js/admin/views.min.js 5. builders/composer/map/btnsx.php |
November 6, 2016 | 1.9.52 | 1. Fixed: Dropdown menu not showing up after updating to v1.9.51. | 1. btnsx.php 2. includes/class.btnsx.php |
October 30, 2016 | 1.9.51 | 1. Added: Custom button dropdown menu links. 2. Fixed: Button link on woocommerce product page. 3. Fixed: Compatibility with Ultimate Addons for Visual Composer. 4. Fixed: Responsive primary text font size option for mobile. | 1. includes/class.btnsx.php 2. assets/css/admin/admin.css 3. assets/css/admin/admin.min.css 4. assets/css/common/button.css 5. assets/css/public/button.min.css 6. assets/js/admin/views.js 7. assets/js/admin/views.min.js 8. btnsx.php |
July 27, 2016 | 1.9.50 | 1. Added: Beaver Builder support. 2. Added: Formidable Forms support. 3. Added: Option to display button only on some particular posts/pages. 4. Improved: Single button options for Visual Composer. 5. Improved: Custom CSS field. 6. Fixed: Custom CSS class override not working if override style option is not selected. 7. Fixed: Font weight text values like 'bold' not working. 8. Fixed: Activation error on older PHP. | 1. btnsx.php 2. builders/beaver-builder [NEW] 3. builders/composer/map/btnsx.php 4. includes/class.btnsx.form.php 5. includes/class.btnsx.php 6. assets/js/admin/views.js 7. assets/js/admin/views.min.js |
July 14, 2016 | 1.9.42 | 1. Added: Two new link options, previous post and next post. 2. Fixed: ACF script conflict. | 1. includes/class.btnsx.php 2. btnsx.php |
July 01, 2016 | 1.9.41 | 1. Fixed: Button not appearing in Visual Composer if Visual Composer is integrated into a theme. 2. Fixed: Button dropdown container expanding to full width. 3. Fixed: Morphing button closing automatically. | 1. builders/composer/mappings.php 2. assets/css/common/button.css 3. assets/js/public/btnsx.js |
June 29, 2016 | 1.9.4 | 1. Fixed: Text color not working for tablet and mobile view in preview. 2. Fixed: Empty space in purchase code field by default. 3. Fixed: Animation classes being added after button is imported from Buttons X lite to Buttons X. 4. Fixed: URL escaping. 5. Fixed: Secondary text font family not working. 6. Fixed: Google fonts loaded multiple times. | 1. assets/js/admin/views.js 2. assets/js/admin/views.min.js 3. includes/class.btnsx.php 4. assets/js/public/btnsx.js |
June 13, 2016 | 1.9.3 | 1. Added: Support for Optin Monster. 2. Added: Override style for Jetpack Subscribe widget button. 3. Added: Two new background options: Background Repeat and Background Position. 4. Added: Now you can add buttons to WooCommerce archive/shop pages. 5. Added: New link type "WooCommerce - Add To Cart - Auto ID" for automatically fetching the product ID. 6. Improvement: Override styles CSS improved. 7. Fixed: Ninja Popup bug. 8. Fixed: Preview background color overflowing from preview container. 9. Fixed: GT ShortCodes scripts conflict. 10. Fixed: Dropdown button remains open inside header when used with Layers Theme. 11. Fixed: Javascript bug that prevented from loading the button edit screen on some installs. 12. Fixed: Firefox not rendering buttons properly with some themes. 13. Fixed: Icon animating only once on frontend. 14. Fixed: Icon image hover not working. | 1. includes/class.external.plugins.php 2. includes/class.btnsx.php 3. assets/css/common/button.css 4. assets/css/public/button.min.css 5. assets/js/admin/views.js 6. assets/js/admin/views.min.js 7. assets/js/admin/admin.js 8. assets/js/admin/admin.min.js 9. includes/class.woo.php 10. assets/js/public/btnsx.js |
May 4, 2016 | 1.9.1 | - Fixed: Select option fields not appearing.
- Fixed: System fonts not working.
| - assets/js/admin/admin.js
- assets/js/admin/admin.min.js
- assets/js/admin/views.js
- assets/js/admin/views.min.js
May 4, 2016 | 1.9.0 | - Added: Responsive style control.
- Added: Buffer app share link type.
- Added: Email button link.
- Added: Print button link.
- Added: Skype Call, Skype Chat and Skype Video Call button links.
- Added: SMS button link.
- Added: Telephone button link.
- Added: Whatsapp Share button link.
- Improvement: Font Awesome updated to v4.6.1.
- Fixed: Layered Popups popup list MYSQL query.
- Fixed: Secondary text font weight and style not working after saving button.
- Fixed: CSS font-weight property.
- Fixed: WP Video Lightbox Youtube related video not hiding when using &rel=0 with video ID.
| - includes/class.btnsx.php
- includes/class.external.plugins.php
- assets/css/admin/admin.css
- assets/css/admin/admin.min.css
- assets/css/common/button.css
- assets/css/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.eot
- assets/css/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.svg
- assets/css/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.ttf
- assets/css/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.woff
- assets/css/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.woff2
- assets/css/fonts/FontAwesome.otf
- assets/css/public/button.min.css
- assets/js/admin/views.js
- assets/js/admin/views.min.js
- assets/js/public/btnsx.js
- btnsx.php
- changelog.txt
- includes/class.btnsx.counter.php
- includes/
- includes/class.btnsx.form.php
- includes/settings-page.php
April 9, 2016 | 1.8.50 | - Added: 10 new button link options - Google+ share, Reddit share, Delicious share, Digg share, StumbleUpon share, LinkedIn share, Tumblr share, Google Bookmarks share, Newsvine share & Evernote share.
- Fixed: "Edd straight to gateway" link option typo.
- Fixed: Tumblr social counter bug.
- Fixed: LinkedIn profile URL bug. Changed "User ID" to "User Profile URL" in LinkedIn social counter settings.
- Fixed: Iframe width and height options gets hidden when link type is changed.
| - /includes/class.btnsx.php
- /includes/class.btnsx.counter.php
- /includes/settings-page.php
- /assets/admin/js/views.js
- /assets/admin/js/views.min.js
April 1, 2016 | 1.8.42 | - Fixed: Custom CSS not appearing when using inline CSS.
- Fixed: Divi 2.7 conflict.
| - /includes/class.btnsx.php
March 26, 2016 | 1.8.41 | - Fixed: Social button bugs.
| - /assets/js/admin/view-social.js
- /btnsx.php
- /includes/
- /assets/css/admin/admin.css
- /assets/css/admin/admin.min.css
- /assets/css/common/button.css
- /assets/css/public/button.min.css
March 21, 2016 | 1.8.4 | - Added: Custom width and height options for iframe window.
- Improvement: Performance improvements.
- Fixed: Links not opening in iframe.
- Fixed: Plugin update bug.
- Fixed: Can't use function return value in write context in ../includes/class.btnsx.counter.php on line 1286.
- Fixed: Dual button bugs.
| - /includes/class.btnsx.php
- /plugin_update_check.php
- /includes/class.btnsx.counter.php
- /includes/class.ajax.php
- /includes/class.btnsx.dual.php
March 10, 2016 | 1.8.3 | - Fixed: Demo button's "undefined variable" error.
- Fixed: "Maximum execution time" error when generating external CSS.
- Fixed: "Class BtnsxDual does not exist" error when generating external CSS.
| - /assets/buttons.json
- /includes/class.ajax.php
- /includes/class.btnsx.php
February 15, 2016 | 1.8.2 | - Added: Automatic plugin updates.
- Fixed: Icon image preview bug.
- Fixed: Icon image styling.
- Fixed: Icon hover image.
- Fixed: Layered Popup option not visible.
- Fixed: Layered Popup option causing PopupPress and Ninja Popups to not work properly.
- Fixed: Image upload while importing button.
- Improved: Moved 'Popup Maker' and 'WP Video Lightbox' to external plugins class.
- Improved: Font Awesome updated to version 4.5.0 (latest).
| - /plugin_update_check.php [NEW]
- /assets/js/admin/views.js
- /assets/js/admin/views.min.js
- /assets/css/admin/admin.css
- /assets/css/admin/admin.min.css
- /assets/css/common/button.css
- /assets/css/public/button.min.css
- /includes/class.external.plugins.php
- /assets/css/common/button.css
- /assets/css/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.eot
- /assets/css/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.svg
- /assets/css/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.ttf
- /assets/css/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.woff
- /assets/css/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.woff2
- /assets/css/fonts/fontawesome.otf
- /assets/css/public/button.min.css
- /assets/js/public/btnsx.js
- /includes/class.btnsx.form.php
- /includes/class.btnsx.php
- /assets/js/admin/admin.js
- /assets/js/admin/admin.min.js
- /includes/class.portation.php
February 03, 2016 | 1.8.1 | - Added: Native support for PopupPress plugin.
- Added: Native support for Ninja Popups plugin.
- Added: Native support for Layered Popups plugin.
- Added: New filters 'btnsx_link_tab_fields_filter', 'btnsx_link_options_filter', 'btnsx_output_button_link' & 'btnsx_output_button_link_relationship'.
- Improved: Button public styles now loads late to avoid font awesome icons being overriden by some other plugin.
- Fixed: Text shadow appearing even when 0 values are set for both horizontal and vertical fields.
- Fixed: Changing text shadow colour when creating button not changing text shadow colour in live preview.
| - /includes/class.btnsx.php
- /includes/class.external.plugins.php [NEW]
- /assets/js/admin/views.js
- /assets/js/admin/views.min.js
- /assets/js/admin/admin.js
- /assets/js/admin/admin.min.js
January 24, 2016 | 1.8.0 | - Added: Buttons support in navigation menu.
- Added: Native support for WP Video Lightbox plugin.
- Added: Custom class option for single buttons in Visual Composer.
- Added: Social Counters in tinymce dropdown.
- Added: Button priorities for Content filter in settings.
- Improved: Link options for Visual Composer updated and layout section added.
- Fixed: Button export conflict with Caldera forms.
- Fixed: Preview modals not closing sometimes.
- Fixed: Social share link types not working if link target is not iframe.
- Fixed: Button full width not working in case fixed width is set.
- Fixed: Button wrap center not working in case fixed width is set.
| - /includes/ [New]
- /builders/composer/map/btnsx.php
- /assest/js/admin/mce.js
- /includes/class.portation.php
- /includes/class.btnsx.php
- /includes/class.btnsx.dual.php
- /assest/css/common/button.css
- /assest/css/public/button.min.css
- /assest/js/admin/views.js
- /assest/js/admin/views.min.js
January 13, 2016 | 1.7.9 | - Fixed: Share buttons appearing on layers slider slides and content widgets.
| - /includes/class.btnsx.php
January 12, 2016 | 1.7.8 | - Added: 3 new link types - facebook share link, pinterest share link and twitter share link.
- Added: New settings tab 'Content Filter' under which you can choose which buttons to show after or before every post, page or custom post types.
- Fixed: Default social counters cache time for multisite blogs.
- Fixed: Buttons menu appearing for non-admin users.
- Fixed: Shadow appearing below buttons with no shadow on 2016 theme.
- Fixed: Multiple icons appearing in preview when "Extreme Right" alignment is selected.
- Improved: Google font selection.
- Improved: Now you can select the type of demo buttons you want to import.
- Improved: Button widgets list display order.
- Improved: Add-ons and packs data fetch mechanism.
| - /btnsx.php
- /includes/class.btnsx.php
- /assets/js/admin/views.js
- /assets/js/admin/views.min.js
- /includes/class.btnsx.form.php
- /includes/class.portation.php
- /includes/import-page.php
- /includes/class.widget.php
- /includes/class.widget.dual.php
- /includes/
- /includes/
- /includes/class.wapi.php
- /includes/settings-page.php
January 03, 2016 | 1.7.7 | - Added: Native support for Popup Maker.
- Added: Native support for Gravity Forms.
- Added: Override button style for Contact Form 7, Caldera Forms and Ninja Forms.
- Added: New filters 'btnsx_button_meta_boxes_advanced', 'btnsx_button_meta_boxes_normal' & 'btnsx_button_meta_boxes_side'.
- Fixed: Override style duplication. If multiple buttons are used for overriding styles then only the recently created button is considered among them.
- Fixed: Dynamic CSS being blocked on SSL enabled websites.
- Fixed: Form CPT option displaying only few results.
- Fixed: Buttons post type and taxonomies being indexed by search engines.
- Fixed: Taxonomies appearing on menu builder page.
| - /includes/class.btnsx.php
- /includes/class.btnsx.dual.php
- /assets/js/public/btnsx.js
- /includes/class.ajax.php
- /includes/settings-page.php
- /includes/class.btnsx.form.php
- /includes/class.btnsx.counter.php
- /includes/
December 12, 2015 | 1.7.6 | - Fixed: LinkedIn social button not disabled even if unchecked.
- Fixed: Facebook URL field reverting back to default value when 'follow' button type is selected.
- Improved: Add-ons and pack pages are now cached and data is fetched only on these pages respectively.
| - /assets/js/view-social.js
- /includes/class.wapi.php
November 28, 2015 | 1.7.5 | - Fixed: Visual Composer deprecated function calls.
- Fixed: Single buttons widget getting disabled when dual buttons are disabled.
- Fixed: Hover background when overriding WooCommerce button styles.
- Fixed: Button import issue on Windows.
- Added: Basic social counters support.
| - /builders/composer/map/btnsx.php
- /btnsx.php
- /includes/class.btnsx.php
- /includes/class.portation.php
- /builders/composer/assets/vc_btnsx.css
- /includes/class.counters.php [NEW]
- /includes/ [NEW]
- /assets/css/common/social-counters.css [NEW]
November 10, 2015 | 1.7.4 | - Added: Add-ons page.
- Added: Packs page.
- Fixed: Box shadow not appearing when horizontal and vertical fields are 0.
| - /includes/class.wapi.php [NEW]
- /assets/js/admin/views.js
- /assets/js/admin/views.min.js
November 5, 2015 | 1.7.3 | - Added: 'CPT' select option for form elements.
- Added: Control over border sides.
- Added: Short code metabox on button edit screen.
- Fixed: Dual button meta boxes.
- Added: Link override option for dual buttons in visual composer.
- Added: New filter 'btnsx_dual_button_preview_args' for dual button preview.
| - /btnsx.php
- /includes/class.btnsx.php
- /includes/class.btnsx.form.php
- /includes/
- /includes/class.btnsx.dual.php
- /includes/
- /assets/js/admin/views.js
- /assets/js/admin/views.min.js
- /assets/css/common/button.css
- /builders/composer/map/btnsx.php
- /includes/class.ajax.php
October 24, 2015 | 1.7.2 | - Fixed: Button 'post / page / custom post type' links.
- Fixed: Button text disappearing on small screens.
| - /includes/class.btnsx.form.php
- /assets/css/common/button.css
- /assets/css/public/button.min.css
October 05, 2015 | 1.7.1 | - Fixed: Dual button 'Force Full Width' option.
- Fixed: Dual button border and border radius options.
| - /assets/css/admin/admin.css
- /assets/css/admin/admin.min.css
- /assets/css/common/button.css
- /assets/css/public/button.min.css
- /includes/class.btnsx.dual.php
- /includes/class.ajax.php
October 04, 2015 | 1.7 | - Addition: Dual Buttons. Merge two buttons to easily create a dual button.
- Addition: Preview option tab now moved to it's own meta box with option to set custom background image and overlay.
- Addition: 'All Sides' field for margin, padding and border radius options. This makes it super easy to add same value to top, bottom, left & right fields.
- Addition: Support for short codes in text/html widgets.
- Improvement: Options navigation now grouped as 'Content', 'Style', 'Advanced' and 'Expert'.
- Improvement: Dual and Social buttons can be turned OFF from under 'Settings' > 'General' tab.
- Improvement: Cloned button title now suffixed with '[ Clone ]' text to avoid confusions.
- Improvement: Icon alignment option improved. Added 'extreme left' and 'extreme right' options.
- Improvement: Language files updated.
- Improvement: Button accuracy improved. You might need to adjust your buttons slightly.
- Improvement: WooCommerce settings now support social and dual buttons.
- Fixed: Social button short code generated through short code generator.
- Fixed: Button manual import on Firefox.
| - /includes/class.btnsx.php
- /includes/class.btnsx.form.php
- /includes/
- /includes/class.portation.php
- /assets/js/admin/admin.js
- /assets/js/admin/admin.min.js
- /assets/js/admin/views.js
- /assets/js/admin/views.min.js
- /assets/css/admin/admin.css
- /assets/css/admin/admin.min.css
- /builders/composer/map/btnsx.php
- /builders/composer/assets/vc_btnsx.css
- /includes/class.clone.php
- /includes/class.portation.php
- /includes/class.bulk.actions.php
- /includes/class.widget.dual.php [NEW]
September 17, 2015 | 1.6 | - Addition: Now it is super easy to copy values from normal state to hover state and vice-versa.
- Addition: Tinymce button to easily insert short codes on post, page and custom posts.
- Improvement: Selecting icon font now automatically hides icon image and vice-versa.
- Improvement: Now resetting a button require confirmation.
- Improvement: Moved some ajax functionality to a new file (class.ajax.php).
- Fixed: Error displayed on button edit page when WooCommerce is OFF.
| - /includes/class.btnsx.php
- /includes/class.btnsx.form.php
- /includes/
- /assets/js/admin/views.js
- /assets/js/admin/views.min.js
- /includes/class.mce.php [NEW]
- /assets/js/admin/mce.js [NEW]
- /includes/class.ajax.php [NEW]
September 12, 2015 | 1.5 | - Fixed: Analytics code escape.
- Fixed: Analytics extension version check.
- Fixed: Gradient and Box Shadow collapsibles not opening.
- Fixed: Gradient undefined variables error on button output.
| - /includes/class.btnsx.php
- /assets/js/admin/admin.js
- /assets/js/admin/admin.min.js
September 11, 2015 | 1.4 | - Addition: Add buttons to WooCommerce single product page (5 different places).
- Addition: Change WooCommerce checkout page button (experimental feature use with caution).
- Addition: Change WooCommerce pay order page button (experimental feature use with caution).
- Addition: Link type 'Previous Page' added.
- Improvement: Menu icon changed.
- Fixed: Icon not appearing on icon selection.
- Fixed: Script tag appearing above button even if empty.
- Live Composer support dropped. Now Buttons X is Visual Composer exclusive.
| - /assets/js/admin/admin.js
- /assets/js/admin/admin.min.js
- /includes/class.btnsx.php
- /includes/class.woo.php [NEW]
September 9, 2015 | 1.3 | - Addition: Override all WooCommerce button styles and custom class(es) using a single button.
- Addition: Meta tag added for SEO purposes.
- Improvement: Removed redundant code.
- Improvement: Styles priority increased so that they override other styles.
- Fixed: Google font script error when using system fonts on all fronts.
- Fixed: LinkedIn script loaded over http rather than https.
| - /includes/class.btnsx.php
- /assets/js/admin/admin.js
- /assets/js/admin/admin.min.js
- /assets/js/admin/views.js
- /assets/js/admin/views.min.js
September 7, 2015 | 1.2 | - Addition: Custom JS option added.
- Addition: Menu display option has been added. Now you can select whether to display menu on button click or on button hover.
- Addition: Switch form field type.
- Improvement: Select2 script & style loaded by 'WooCommerce Product Faq Manager' plugin is dequeued on button related pages.
- Improvement: Now you can switch ON / OFF social buttons.
- Improvement: Tabs UI improved, active tabs are saved when a button or a setting is saved.
- Improvement: Button reset functionality improved.
- Fixed: Support link on settings page.
- Fixed: Google font script error when using system fonts.
| - /includes/class.btnsx.php
- /assets/js/admin/admin.js
- /assets/js/admin/admin.min.js
- /assets/js/public/btnsx.js
- /assets/css/common/button.css
- /assets/css/public/button.min.css
- /includes/settings-page.php
- /btnsx.php
- /includes/class.btnsx.form.php
- /includes/
- /includes/settings-page.php
September 4, 2015 | 1.1 | - Addition: Added button link override options for visual composer.
- Addition: Added button text override option for visual composer.
- Improvement: Buttons X logo used in Visual Composer brick changed.
- Improvement: Latest buttons now appear on top in Visual Composer brick and Live Composer module.
- Fixed: WP Query to generate button options in Visual Composer.
- Fixed: 'Alternate' spelling on line 1776 in class.btnsx.php.
- Fixed: Button preview display when width is defined. Full width option modified accordingly.
- Fixed: Icon markup appearing even when icon not selected.
- Fixed: Option field ID printed to console when range input field is used.
- Fixed: Font Awesome stylesheet loaded by 'Multi-X Bar' plugin is dequeued on button related pages.
- Fixed: Gradient CSS generated even when not defined.
- Fixed: Box shadow CSS generated even when not defined.
| - /builders/composer/map/btnsx.php
- /builders/composer/assets/logo.png
- /builders/live_composer/config.php
- /includes/class.btnsx.php
- /assets/js/admin/views.js
- /assets/js/admin/views.min.js
- /assets/js/admin/admin.js
- /assets/js/admin/admin.min.js
- /assets/js/public/btnsx.js
September 2, 2015 | 1.0 | - Let's rock! (Public Release)
| - |
August 22, 2015 | 0.3 Beta | - Added: Social buttons widget.
- Added: Buttons X now supports icon image positioning.
- Improvement: Social buttons meta box on edit post now consist of two select boxes for the two display areas - before content & after content.
- Improvement: Data validation and sanitisation.
- Improvement: Button text now wraps when the space is limited.
- Improvement: Default options are now set for each multisite blog when plugin is network activated.
- Improvement: Default options are now set when new blog is created (multisite).
- Fixed: Error generated on line 62 of
- Fixed: Existing button check while importing buttons.
- Fixed: Media uploader permission issue.
- Fixed: Border bottom right radius on hover.
- Fixed: Custom CSS box changing button id to preview button id.
- Fixed: Secondary text alignment CSS.Fixed: Removed duplicate secondary text colour CSS.
| - |
August 11, 2015 | 0.2 Beta | - Added: Cache flush for WP Cache, W3TC & WP Super Cache after CSS is generated.
- Improvement: Default settings now set on plugin activation if not already set/present.
- Improvement: CSS default option now set to 'inline'.
- Improvement: Multisite support. Each new site has it's dynamic CSS file.
- Improvement: Live preview now floats.
- Improvement: Updated admin meta box styles.
- Improvement: Renamed 'General' tab to 'Layout' tab. Moved 'Link', 'Margin', 'Padding' & 'CSS' tabs.
- Improvement: Buttons X logo now based on font icon.
- Fixed: Tooltips not working on social buttons & settings page respectively.
- Fixed: Reset settings not resetting to default values.
- Fixed: A major bug while importing buttons where button data was not imported completely.
- Fixed: 'Reset unsuccessful' when settings are already at default values.
- Fixed: Meta box style issues on Firefox.
- Fixed: Tab's text font.
- Fixed: Range slider alignment issue on Firefox.
- Fixed: Multiple opacity selector in colour field when multiple gradients and shadows are added.
- Fixed: Firefox empty image / broken image.
- Fixed: Border hover not returning to initial / normal state when button is hovered during preview.
| - |
July 25, 2015 | 0.1 Beta | - Beta release
| - |