Divider Tab

Divider Tab

Dual button divider related options comes under this tab.

Available Options:

Field LabelField TypeShort Code AttributeDefault ValueAvailable ValuesDescription


Enable buttons divider.
Divider Typeselectdivider_typetexttext,iconSelect the type of divider for dual button.
Divider Textinputdivider_textOR-Select the desired text.
Divider Iconselectdivider_iconfa fa-adjustfont awesome iconsSelect the desired icon.
Divider Styleselectdivider_stylestyle_1custom, style_1, style_2, style_3, style_4Select the style of divider for dual button. Style 1 is circular divider, Style 2 is circular divider with border, Style 3 is square divider & Style 4 is square divider with border.
Text/Icon Sizeinputdivider_text_size10-Add text/icon size in pixels.
Widthinputdivider_width34-Add divider width in pixels.
Heightinputdivider_height34-Add divider height in pixels.
Horizontal Positionrangedivider_position_left-18-Position the divider from left in pixels. Negative values are allowed.
Vertical Positionrangedivider_position_top9-Position the divider from top in pixels. Negative values are allowed.
Divider Text Positionrangedivider_text_position3.3-Position the text vertically.
Sizerangedivider_border_size0-Set border size in pixels.
Styleselectdivider_border_stylenonenone, hidden, dotted, dashed, solid, double, groove, ridge, inset, outset, inheritSet border style.
Colorcolorpickerdivider_border_color--Set border color.
Border Radius
All Sidesrange---Set radius for all corners at once.
Top Leftrangedivider_border_radius_top_left50-Set top left border radius in pixels.
Top Rightrangedivider_border_radius_top_right50-Set top right border radius in pixels.
Bottom Leftrangedivider_border_radius_bottom_left50-Set bottom left border radius in pixels.
Bottom Rightrangedivider_border_radius_bottom_right50-Set bottom right border radius in pixels.
Background Colorcolorpickerdivider_background_color#fff-Set divider background color.
Text/Icon Colorcolorpickerdivider_text_color#444-Set divider text/icon color.