Divider Tab
Divider Tab
Dual button divider related options comes under this tab.
Available Options:
Field Label | Field Type | Short Code Attribute | Default Value | Available Values | Description |
Main | |||||
Enable | checkbox | divider_enable | 0 | 0,1 | Enable buttons divider. |
Divider Type | select | divider_type | text | text,icon | Select the type of divider for dual button. |
Divider Text | input | divider_text | OR | - | Select the desired text. |
Divider Icon | select | divider_icon | fa fa-adjust | font awesome icons | Select the desired icon. |
Divider Style | select | divider_style | style_1 | custom, style_1, style_2, style_3, style_4 | Select the style of divider for dual button. Style 1 is circular divider, Style 2 is circular divider with border, Style 3 is square divider & Style 4 is square divider with border. |
Text/Icon Size | input | divider_text_size | 10 | - | Add text/icon size in pixels. |
Layout | |||||
Width | input | divider_width | 34 | - | Add divider width in pixels. |
Height | input | divider_height | 34 | - | Add divider height in pixels. |
Positioning | |||||
Horizontal Position | range | divider_position_left | -18 | - | Position the divider from left in pixels. Negative values are allowed. |
Vertical Position | range | divider_position_top | 9 | - | Position the divider from top in pixels. Negative values are allowed. |
Divider Text Position | range | divider_text_position | 3.3 | - | Position the text vertically. |
Border | |||||
Size | range | divider_border_size | 0 | - | Set border size in pixels. |
Style | select | divider_border_style | none | none, hidden, dotted, dashed, solid, double, groove, ridge, inset, outset, inherit | Set border style. |
Color | colorpicker | divider_border_color | - | - | Set border color. |
Border Radius | |||||
All Sides | range | - | - | - | Set radius for all corners at once. |
Top Left | range | divider_border_radius_top_left | 50 | - | Set top left border radius in pixels. |
Top Right | range | divider_border_radius_top_right | 50 | - | Set top right border radius in pixels. |
Bottom Left | range | divider_border_radius_bottom_left | 50 | - | Set bottom left border radius in pixels. |
Bottom Right | range | divider_border_radius_bottom_right | 50 | - | Set bottom right border radius in pixels. |
Color | |||||
Background Color | colorpicker | divider_background_color | #fff | - | Set divider background color. |
Text/Icon Color | colorpicker | divider_text_color | #444 | - | Set divider text/icon color. |
, multiple selections available,