

Available Options:

Field LabelField TypeShort Code AttributeDefault ValueAvailable ValuesDescription
IDhiddenid(Auto generated)-The button ID.
Widthrangewidth--Add button width in pixels. This gives the button a fixed width. Clearing the field removes fixed width.
Heightrangeheight--Add button height in pixels. This gives the button a fixed height. Clearing the field removes fixed height.
Sizeselectsize-huge, large, wide, small, miniThese are some preset button sizes. Changing the size value automatically adjusts the font size and padding values of primary text.
Disabledcheckboxdisabled00, 1Make the button disabled by checking this field. Clicking the button won\'t be possible once disabled.
Embossedcheckboxembossed00, 1Checking this field gives an embossed effect to button.
Full Widthcheckboxfull_width00, 1Make the button cover the entire width of the container.
Containercheckboxcontainer00, 1Add a container div to button.
Wrap Centercheckboxwrap_center00, 1Makes the button centered. Very helpful when you want the button to be centered inside a big container.

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