How to set up social counters

How to set up social counters

Must be followed when using the social counters for the first time.

Step-by-step guide

First of all please go to the settings page. Dashboard > Buttons X > Settings. Make sure social counters are enabled under 'General' tab.

Once enabled, you should see 'Social Counters' tab. Click the links below for details on how to set up a particular social network. The following options are available under 'Social Counters' tab:

  1. Cache Time
    Clear cache after a specified period of time (in hours). Default is 24 hours. Social counts are cached for optimal website performance.
  2. 500px
  3. Behance
  4. Delicious
  5. Dribbble
  6. Envato
  7. Facebook
  8. Github
  9. Goodreads
  10. Google+
  11. Instagram
  12. LinkedIn
  13. Mailchimp
  14. Mixcloud
  15. Pinterest
  16. RSS
  17. SoundCloud
  18. Spotify
  19. Steam
  20. Tumblr
  21. Twitch
  22. Twitter
  23. Vimeo
  24. Vine
  25. VK
  26. Youtube

Once you have set up the required social networks, navigate to 'Buttons X' > 'Social Counters'.

On the social counters page click 'Add New' button.

By default Facebook, Google+ and Twitter buttons are enabled. Under 'Enable & Sort' tab you can enable the required buttons. You can even sort them in an order that you prefer. To sort just click and drag the checkbox field container. See image below -

Under the themes tab you can select a theme for social buttons. At the moment only 4 themes are available but more will be added soon. That's it! Just save the buttons and you are good to go.


Copy the short code or use visual composer or you can also use social counters widget to display your followers count.