

Setting up Behance.

Register an app on Behance.

Before we move to the options we need to register an app on Behance. Make sure you are logged in to Behance. Follow the below steps:

  1. Log in to Behance and visit this link: https://www.behance.net/dev/register.
  2. Now you should see the below screen. Fill in the information and click "Register Your App" button.

  3. Copy the 'API KEY / CLIENT ID'.

Configure the options

Go to 'Dashboard' > 'Buttons X' > 'Settings' and click on 'Social Counters' then open the 'Behance' tab. The following options need to be configured to display Behance followers count.

  1. Behance Client ID
    Insert the Client ID you copied / noted previously.
  2. Behance User ID
    Your Behance page ID is text based. You can get your ID through your profile page URL.
    1. Through Page URL
      1. Check the image below on how to extract page ID from URL. The text highlighted in the image below is an example of USER ID. For ex: if your page URL is 'https://www.behance.net/TommyRoussel' then your ID is 'TommyRoussel'.