

Setting up Pinterest.

Configure the options

Go to 'Dashboard' > 'Buttons X' > 'Settings' and click on 'Social Counters' then open the 'Spotify' tab. The following options need to be configured to display Spotify followers count.

  1. Spotify Artist / User ID
    Please enter the user ID. For example: If your profile url is "https://play.spotify.com/user/david_guetta_" then your user ID is david_guetta_. And the user type is 'User'.

    If your profile url is "https://play.spotify.com/artist/1Cs0zKBU1kc0i8ypK3B9ai" then your user ID is 1Cs0zKBU1kc0i8ypK3B9ai. And the user type is 'Artist'.

  2. Spotify User Type
    See previous step on what type to select.
  3. That's it! Save the settings.